I was secretly surfing the net at work one day, (sorry Todd), and I saw a clip of Aaron on the Ellen show. He had the world’s tallest Mohawk. I was interested, and clicked on it to find out the record he set was 24 inches. “24 inches”, I thought, “I could beat that easily!” Then I went back to work, not thinking much of it.
In the next few weeks, it kept coming back to me, gnawing at me. 24 inches…, it seems like the tallest Mohawk should be bigger than that. Maybe I should beat it. I was thinking of cutting my hair anyway. After a while, I kind of forgot about it. Then I started to notice something. At my job, I scan in newspapers from all over the country into a database. In these newspapers, I started noticing stories about Guinness record attempts. They were everywhere. I had not noticed them before, and it wasn’t all different stories. A story about one record attempt could be in hundreds of papers. This really got me thinking. If I did attempt this record, it could get a lot of attention. I could do something with this. Maybe this IS what I have been looking for, that “phantom menace” that had been hovering over me for some time.
I started to talk about it with friends at shows, family, and whoever I could bounce it off of. They all told me to go for it, but I had the feeling most of them thought I would never do it. I don’t blame them; sometimes I get grandiose ideas in my head and start blabbing about them, and then do nothing about it. But this was different, I could do this, and I was kind of excited about it. I could get some pub for my band; maybe get sponsors, who knows what could come from this? There was one thing, though, that made me decide I was going to go for it. I asked myself, “What am I doing? Where am I going?” Nothing. Nowhere. “What else you gonna do?” asked the phantom menace. “This could be fun!” He was right. This could be fun. In fact, it’s going to be fun! That phantom menace was lingering in my heart for some time, and now I knew why. He was there to push me into breaking the record for world’s tallest Mohawk! It sounds kinda stupid, I know, but how many of you out there have something tuggin’ at ya, and you don’t know what it is, or why? Keep listening, and looking, and that opportunity for the answer will finally reveal itself.
So…there it was. I had decided to do it!
Now what?.......
Stay tuned for Episode two!
And just a reminder, this blog won’t have the impact it should if you don’t see the final results of the Record Breaking Day. If you haven’t seen the “Things to Know” section of this blog, check out the videos on the right, and click the "see more videos and pics" button to see how far this event actually went.
Until next time,