Thursday, June 25, 2009

A little set up for the ramblings about to be inflicted upon you.

I want to make sure that people who read this understand something. There are thousands of world records attempted, set, and broken every day. Not that I am bragging, (well, maybe a little), but very few of them get the publicity that my record attempt did. Why mine? Because I, and many other people, put a lot of thought, preparation, and work into this to help springboard the event onto the national platform. It was not easy, and we had a little luck on our side, but I believe the process can be duplicated for anyone who wants to, and I think this information is valuable. So if you are thinking of making a world record attempt, organizing an event, looking to get publicity or sponsorship, or all of the above, then this blog will have many nuggets of information that will be very interesting to you.

It’s not all about the record, though. My blog will also have current events and goings on in my life peppered throughout the episodes as well. By the way, that is how I intend to set up this blog. Each time I want to talk about a day in my quest for the world record, or talk about something relevant to the record, I will call it an “Episode”, just to set it apart from the rest of the crap I might throw out at you, like a picture of my cat, or something.

Nia, my cat

So anyway, enough of the B.S., I think you get the idea. In my next post we will get right to it, and it will be called, “Episode I”. I want to update this blog daily, but that probably won’t happen, because I am a space case. But I won’t leave ya hangin’ for months, or anything. If you are interested, check back every other day, or so, and I should have updates by then. Also, I will soon set up an email alert, or RSS, or twitter, or something like that to alert anyone who might be listening when I have updated.

Talk to you soon,

Eric Hahn
Eric Hahn-World's Tallest Mohawk

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